Cardiff Flying Start Childcare

Quality part-time childcare for 2 to 3 year olds.

Quality part-time childcare for children aged 2-3 years old is the centre piece of the services to be provided under the Flying start initiative.

In Cardiff, we offer:

  • A fully-funded part-time childcare place for all eligible 2 year olds from the beginning of the term following their second birthday, to the end of the term in which they celebrate their third birthday.
  • A childcare place for 2.5 hours per day x 5 sessions per week (12.5 hours per week) x 39 weeks per year, in line with school term dates (as defined by Welsh Government.)
  • A childcare placements provided in an approved Flying Start childcare setting operating within or near to Flying Start areas.
  • A choice of Welsh medium or English medium childcare provision

About Cardiff Flying Start Childcare

Why do we offer High Quality Childcare?

High quality childcare for 2-3 year olds is a key part of the Flying Start programme. Research shows that quality early years care is linked  to improvements in children’s development in later years, including:

  • Speech and Language
  • Mathematics and Reading
  • More Positive Behaviour
  • Independence
  • Play and Learning Skills
  • Making Friends
  • Problem Solving

Allocating you a Flying Start childcare place

If you and your family are eligible for Flying Start, before your child turns 2 years old:

  • Your Flying Start Health Visitor will complete a Childcare Access form with you
  • You can choose English or Welsh medium childcare place
  • Your child will be allocated a place at one of our 33 contracted childcare settings, that is near to wear you live

Information on our Childcare Settings

Quality Childcare

The provision of high quality, part-time childcare for 2-3 year olds is integral to the Flying Start programme. Quality childcare contributes to the acquisition of skills such as socialisation and the ability to play and concentrate.

A focus on high quality provision should therefore underpins all aspects of Cardiff Flying Start childcare. Cardiff Flying Start childcare not only aims to be of the highest quality, it strives to be the benchmark for quality childcare throughout Wales.

There are 3 key measures of quality in a successful Flying Start childcare setting:

  1. A high quality environment
  2. High quality people
  3. A high quality experience for the child

To develop and maintain quality childcare, at Cardiff Flying Start we have a dedicated Advisory Teaching Team that supports each of our  Childcare settings.

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Inclusive Childcare

Many children have additional needs or require a little extra help from time to time, especially when they are very young. Flying Start childcare settings are supported to understand and respond to children’s needs using a graduated response.

Some children need a little support and some will require ongoing support and long term intervention to ensure they can be successfully included and have the best opportunity to reach their potential.

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